Small Luxury Hotel Ambassador a L'Opera - Falkenstrasse, 6, Seefeld - Zúrich
La seguridad es fundamental para garantizar la fiabilidad del servicio que le ofrecemos.
Nuestro sistema de reservas protege la privacidad de los usuarios y de los datos enviados a lo largo del procedimiento de reserva, para garantizar profesionalidad y eficacia.
La Declaración sobre la Privacidad constituye una parte substancial de nuestro portal y de los servicios que ofrecemos y no puede separarse de las Condiciones de Uso o de los procedimientos de uso de esta web.
La reserva de un hotel y el uso de las informaciones adjuntas están condicionados por la acepatación de los términos y de las condiciones establecidas por el sistema y escritas más abajo. Para tener la posibilidad de utilizar los servicios ofrecidos en el portal se pide de expresar el consenso a la lectura de las advertencias contenidas en las Condiciones de Uso y en la Declaración de Privacidad.
Por eso invitamos los usuarios a leer detenidamente el contenido de la siguiente Informativa de Privacidad y de los Terminos y Condiciones Generales de Uso de la página Web, y a controlar periódicamente el contenido de ellos al fin de averiguar eventuales puestas al día útiles para las reservas.
This site belongs to the whole site and web portals... [leer más]
This site belongs to the whole site and web portals which jointly form the UniTravel Srl network hereinafter defined as the UniTravel Network or simply Network.
UniTravel Srl, from hereinafter UniTravel, is the legal owner of the UniTravel Network. The company’s head office is based in Venice, Italy, Via Brunacci 9/b, P. IVA 03458490277, registered in REA. VE-310017.
UniTravel is also a registered travel agency, trading as UniTravel, in the province of Venice No. 59224 dated 11/9/03, IATA Code 382-69221.
The present document defines the conditions specified by UniTravel in order to use the network and to make reservations via the UniTravel system, from hereinafter “the system”, via all sites and web portals will jointly form part of UniTravel.
By navigating the sites of the network and utilizing the reservation services and proceeding to book properties provided by UniTravel, the User declares to have read, understood and accepted the conditions laid down by the present documents.
The User’s personal data shall be processed by UniTravel in compliance with Legislative Decree 196 of June 2003 (Personal data Protection Code), in relation to the guidelines written down in General Privacy which can be seen in all sites and web portals of the network.
UniTravel has notified in the Privacy their Italian Security Policy Document containing specifications adopted by UniTravel for the protection of personal data CUN Code: 0000-0285-6310-1466.
Furthermore UniTravel comply to the PCI DSS standard that defines the set of rules set by the PCI Council, the organization founded by American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa Inc.. ( responsible for defining security standards for account data protection and payments.
Security of information supplied by the User is of fundamental importance to UniTravel.
To guarantee maximum security UniTravel uses an SSL encryption system which is used when reservation is made to prevent data from being lost, abused or altered when using services offered through the network.
Upon booking it is possible to view the UniTravel security certificate supplied by Twathe, one of the best and most competent security systems of data encryption over the Internet.
The UniTravel network sites may contain links to third party sites. Upon leaving the UniTravel network, the User must exercise extreme caution when asked for any personal data, and should check, in the third party sites, the data protection policy in a document like this one.
The UniTravel trademark, websites and internet domains belonging to the UniTravel network are the sole property of UniTravel, including all data, information, communication, editorial, software, photos, videos, images, graphics, designs, logos, brands and all other material and current services, and where it is not diversely indicated, are the property of UniTravel S.r.l or of the suppliers of the reserved service, which must be considered covered by copyright laws and associated industrial law. It is, therefore extremely forbidden to reproduce, copy or use the trademarks, logos, sites, contents or anything connected with this site without explicit written authority by UniTravel to do so.
In particular UniTravel,, UniTravel Affiliate Program, UniTravel Local, UniTravel Guides, UniTravel Agent Program, UniTravel Technology are all UniTravel registered trademarks. Other brands and trademarks of services and products mentioned in the sites of the network must be considered covered by the copyright of the respective titleholder. The images are supplied for the aim of viewing purposes and not to be saved or downloaded in any format.
UniTravel grants the use of the network to allow the User to browse and to use the services offered by the sites and by the network and to make a reservation of these available services in case they meet his requirements.
The User then declares and guarantees that all information supplied through the site is true and that he will use the services in compliance with the rules terms and conditions laid down by the present document.
The User further undertakes to guarantee to UniTravel that the tourist reservation service made through the website will only be used for legal reservation, for himself or on behalf of someone who has given authorisation to do so.
The User accepts that by using the tourist reservation system through this site and written in the clauses specified in the terms and conditions found in this document will be observed, as well as those specific entries for single bookings, which are directly specified by the individual service supplier, including, but not exhaustive, the terms and conditions relating to the cancellation policy and penalties as well as the rules and regulations relating to the availability, rates, products or services.
In some cases the rates, the products and the services chosen can be subject to particular rules and restrictions. By using the site the User declares to be aware that any violation of the clauses of the present document and of the selling conditions provided by UniTravel and/or its suppliers will result in immediate cancellation of the service.
Unless expressly authorized to do so, this site must be exclusively used for personal aims and not for business purposes. It is forbidden to modify, copy, distribute, forward, show, carry out, reproduce, publicize, sub-licence, create works from, cede, sell or resell the information, the software, the contents, products or services acquired from the site and to use them for commercial purposes.
In addition it is expressly forbidden to:
- access, monitor or copy any of the contents or information from this site by using robots, screen scraper systems or other automated systems or processes without the written consent of UniTravel S.r.l;
- violate any restrictions relating to the exclusion of robots in this site or to find ways to get round the system or other measures to prevent or limit access to this website;
- carry out operations that impose or could impose exclusive judgment towards UniTravel S.r.l, unreasonable or excessive through the technological platform/infrastructure;
- send undesired mail by using the automatic email address system found on the system;
- use the site for illegal means or against Italian law, international law or that of third party law.
UniTravel holds the exclusive right to economic exploitation of the UniTravel software and all connected procedures. It is, therefore forbidden to reproduce, wholly, partly or in any form software procedures and web pages relating to the site, not forgetting the pages relative to the automatic message system which remains sole property.
UniTravel gives the Users permission to use the site, the network services as well as all procedures needed to navigate, the references and the use of the services offered on the site, for the purpose of viewing and using the site in conformity of the present conditions and not for other intentions.
The User must not copy the programs supplied by UniTravel wholly, partly or in any form. The User may not cede, sell, sub-licence the programs to third parties, nor allow it to be used by third parties either gratuitously or for a fee, neither disclose the contents of the program to third parties, change them or incorporate them in other programs.
All the software, operating procedures included but not limited to, all HTML codes, Active X controls and all other script present on the website are the property of UniTravel, and/or the respective suppliers and are protected by copyright laws.
Unless authorised by law to do so, it is strictly forbidden and cause a breach in the current laws to use operations such as reverse engineering, or to take apart the software and change procedures on the site. Extreme measures will be taken should such matters occur.
UniTravel is in no event liable for any event that is caused by the incorrect or untimely entry of data into the system by the Customer or the Users.
UniTravel is not liable for any interruptions and/or suspensions of the service due to Internet problems. UniTravel reserves the right to carry out periodical maintenance and updates to the system during which the functioning of the system might be interrupted for the time necessary for these operations to be completed. The User accepts that UniTravel may interrupt the functioning of its systems for the time required for these operations.
UniTravel will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage derived from third party use of the UniTravel network, or from the incorrect use of the UniTravel software, more generally the system.
UniTravel does not take responsibility for direct or indirect damages, claims or losses derived from the User, for the loss and/or wrongful use of the internet, nor take the responsibility for eventual interruptions and/or suspension of the dial up connection.
UniTravel cannot be held responsible should the system fail to work as a result of the lack of devices used to access the services and the site, which is seen to be out of UniTravel control, including but not limited to, the line connection or other server providers, computer malfunction and any other electronic devices, faulty installation of software to access the internet on the User’s part, as well as other users or people who are accessing the site at the same time.
The User accepts on his own behalf, that UniTravel can suspend the connection at any point, for the time necessary for the abovementioned operations, and recognizes that UniTravel cannot in any way, be asked to answer to the User or third party during any eventual suspension and/or interruption of the system.
The present contract as well as the use of the present site are subject to the current regulations stipulated in Italy, the country where UniTravel has its registered offices and where the company is operated from, notably where the CCV in Brussels 23 April 1970 ratified Legislation 1084 dated 27th December, 1977 in Italy Title III, Chapter I, Section II “distant contracts” from the Legislative Decree 6th September, 2005 no.206 (Consumer Code of practice).
The User accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of the Judicial Italian law for the resolution of any dispute related to this policy (including, but not limited to, those relating to its validity, application, interpretation, execution).
In the event of a dispute arising in any way from this document it will be of exclusive jurisdiction of the Judicial Authority of the Courts of Venice.
This agreement is drawn up in the Italian language. Should it be translated into any other language, this is done solely for the greater convenience of the other party. In the event of any disputes or conflicts regarding its interpretation, the version drawn up in the Italian language shall prevail to all legal effects.
In the case of any of the conditions made invalid or not applicable, due to current regulations, limited but including the exclusion of obligations and limitations of responsibility that they precede, will be substituted by valid and applicable conditions that reflect as near to the original document as possible in reference to current regulations to date.
The present conditions and the clauses written down in the Limitations of responsibility, do not prejudice the applications stated by the imperative norms and the rights, which cannot be excluded or limited under Italian legislation and without prejudice to the rights of the consumer.
UniTravel is one of the most important international hotel reservation providers that operates online throughout a network of internet sites that head to .
Trough its business network UniTravel has numerous affiliated properties in the most beautiful cities of Italy, Europe and Worldwide, properties that range from 1 to 5 star luxury to budget hotels, in order to offer its customers an easy, fast and secure way to book autonomously and at their most convenient way a hotel in the desired destination.
Hotel managers guarantee this, using the system developed by UniTravel to manage rates, availability, and other selling conditions.
The properties contracted directly by UniTravel require that the payment is made directly to the hotel normally at the time of stay unless otherwise provided for (non-cancellable and non-refundable special offers, last minute deals, etc.).
To enrich the offer of facilities on the network UniTravel has agreements in partnership with operators providing to UniTravel their contracted properties. Some hotels offered on the network UniTravel are in fact offered by Travelscape LLC LP.
Some properties offered by UniTravel by Travelscape LLC or LP require payment of the full cost of the stay upon confirmation of booking, while others require that the payment is made directly to the hotel normally unless otherwise provided. These hotels are also subject to the general terms and conditions applied by Travelscape LLC and In cases where the structure require prepayment of the entire amount of the stay the collection is made on behalf of UniTravel by Travelscape LLC ..
In all cases UniTravel offers to users of its Network prices for hotels without adding increased costs of commissions nor fees for the use of the system. The UNITRAVEL service is completely free. Booking via the UniTravel Network you will have access to the same prices that you would find on others website because many hotels apply the principle of parity rates and conditions of sale to the End User. UniTravel earnings are paid by the hotels and do not fall on users like management costs that the hotel claims for the conduct of its business (eg. Costs for the realization of its website, staff costs etc.).
The present document defines the conditions specified by UniTravel to use the network and reservation service, which is available on all sites and web portals linked to the UniTravel network. Navigation, the use of the system and the use of other services offered by the UniTravel network and its sites, should be recognized and accepted by the User the present conditions specified.
Through the UniTravel network and additional sites and web portals which form part of the network, the User will be able to use the accommodation service supplied directly from the hotel partner and the property through the UniTravel network. Price and availability as well as further sale conditions (including but not limited to, the cancellation and penalties policy) are managed by the supplier whose accommodation has been requested.
UniTravel acts as a quality intermediary between the User and the supplier under the signed International Convention in Brussels (CCV) 23 April 1970, pursuant with Italian Legislation n.1084 on 27th December 1977. On the User’s part of the booking service through the accommodation services booked over the internet via the reservation system are directly supplied by the booked property, As a consequence, agreement are created between the User and the supplier.
The sales information of the said reservation made over the internet by the Users, includes but is not limited to the tariff, facilities available and the property, are handled by the hotel of which is then responsible for the data entered both by UniTravel and the User.
Through the UniTravel network the User and Property affiliate can be directly put into contact with each other.
UniTravel does not in any way supply the services and has no possible intervention and/or control of the information made available for sales purposes.
Through the system developed by UniTravel the network users can carry out searches for the available resort and search criteria chosen by the User.
The results are shown in real time and only those available properties who inserted availability for the period chosen by the user, viewing each type with the respective sales conditions, price of stay (value expressed in the currency of that country) less that of tax, breakfast, penalties, ways and methods of payment.
The price agreed of the purchased service must be paid by the User to the reserved property following the way indicated for every type of individual reservation.
Payment is generally made at the end of the stay in the property and paid to the respective property, because of this, the system will require a credit card number as a guarantee for the reservation, and will be forwarded onto the management of the property for pre-authorisation, should a cancellation be made and it is necessary to debit appropriate fees.
In some cases, relating to particular offers and purchase conditions, the property can request a deposit for the whole stay, which may not be refundable, even in particular favourable conditions (i.e. advanced bookings).
In other cases the amount of the whole stay will be charged by UniTravel on the credit card at the moment of reservation.
For some hotels and properties and in general for some tourist services, the amount of the whole stay and service will be charged by UniTravel at the moment of reservation.
For all of the hypotheses described above, the system clearly states the terms and conditions of payment relating to each individual reservation.
Once the User has found a suitable choice for his requirements, all details must be inserted into the respective fields as well as credit card details to guarantee the reservation or to enable the advance charging of the selected service.
UniTravel accepts no responsibility for the eventual abuse or wrongful use of the User’s credit card, which is completely out of UniTravel control.
UniTravel uses a very advanced technological system to protect the security of the data, which is entered into the network and through the server and adopts a discipline on all rights relating to data protection in accordance with current regulations (UniTravel Privacy Policy).
By pushing the botton “book” after entering the data, the reservation process will be completed.
Any data missing relating to credit card payment will impede the reservation process. Furthermore, for the services that require an advanced purchase, the successful conclusion of booking is subordinated to the successful conclusion of the credit card transition.
Once all data has been put into the system and the reservation is ready for completion the “Book” key can be pressed, and providing all information has been entered correctly, the User is able to see the confirmation of the booking, together with a confirmation code and a User ID and Password for further access. Only at this point the User can see that the reservation is now valid. In addition, confirmation will be sent to the User by email together with purchase conditions, cancellation terms and penalties and all data to manage the reservation.
The reservation made over the internet can only be modified or cancelled by the User through the system with respect to the current terms and conditions specified in the system relating to each individual booking. Such terms and conditions are specified by the individual property and therefore it is out of UniTravel control.
For changes to the reservation the User must contact the UniTravel helpdesk on +39 041 8620400 or by sending an email to The service is available during office hours between 09.00 and 18.00, Monday to Friday. All changes and cancellations can be seen by view in the “Manage your booking” section. It is here that the booking through UniTravel can be seen by inserting the User ID and Password.
In the case of information being lost, the system automatically consents the User to enter the new credentials.
The sales information relating to the reservation made over the network comes directly from the supplier and therefore UniTravel is not liable for any insertions made by them. UniTravel therefore, is not responsible for the accuracy and precision of the information provided and thus is protected by the laws applicable.
The accommodation proposed and the service made over the network corresponds to the offer provided by the individual supplier that has presented itself through the network. The individual supplier consequently takes exclusive responsibility for the information supplied to the User for the actual offer.
UniTravel does not guarantee that the actual services offered by the supplier and the reservation made via the network correspond with the requested requirements of the User at the moment of booking.
UniTravel on request will supply all necessary information to identify the service supplier. In conformity with CCV agreed by Legislation 1084, 27th December, 1977, UniTravel as a quality intermediary provider does not undertake in any way obligations from its suppliers of individual products and/or reservations made over the network by its Users. In addition, under the laws quoted, regarding total default or partial travel, stay or other associated services that are subject to contract between the User and the relative service supplier.
UniTravel is therefore responsible under the laws stated above exclusively of the non-compliance of the obligations it is in charge of. The purchase made by the User over the network is directly considered conclusive and binding with the supplier whose service has been bought, even any contrary clause, to the clauses stated in the Brussels Convention (CCV) dated 23 April 1970, ratifying Italy with the Legislation no.1084 27 December 1977.
The sales conditions of the property will be expressively indicated first by the reservation made and the reservation confirmed by the system with the same assigned number. UniTravel therefore takes no responsibility once the contracts become conclusive.
UniTravel reserves the right to make periodic maintenance and updates to the reservation system, during which the internet connection will remain suspended and /or interrupted not allowing the service to be utilised at that time. The User must accept that UniTravel can suspend the connection necessary to carry out the abovementioned operations and recognise that UniTravel shall not be contacted during such operations of eventual suspension and/or interruption of the system both by the User or third party.
The hotel web pages displayed on the UniTravel network are built by UniTravel, using text, images and photographs supplied directly by the hotels and by the affiliate properties. It is responsibility of the hotel chain and/or individual property to ensure the accuracy of the photographs and other materials displayed.
UniTravel takes no responsibility for the information (texts or graphics), the documents or the material supplied from the hotels and the partner properties listed on the network. UniTravel cannot be held responsible for any damages or reimbursements for any of the abovementioned information supplied by the partner properties.
Following article 55 comma 1, letter b) of the Consumption Code, the right of return forseen for the user in case of contracts or contractual purposes negotiated out of commercial offices (art. 64 and following) is not applicable to contracts of services purchase related to accommodation when completing the contract, and takes in charge of supplying the relate service to a specific time or period. Therefore the User cannot return the service booked, except for what is foreseen by the cancellation policy.
For any eventual complaints the User shall contact our customer support via phone at +39 041 8624040 or via email to or by sending a registered letter addressed to UniTravel Srl, Via Brunacci 9/b, 30175 Venice, Italy.
Any complain regarding the property booked by the User must be raised during the stay at the property itself and must be properly documented. UniTravel cannot be held responsible for any complain communicated by the User after leaving the property.
UniTravel can be contacted anytime via the customer service by telephone at +39 041 8624040 or by sending an email to The service is available from Monday to Friday from 09.00-18.00.
Once the booking has been made through the UniTravel system, the User has the possibility to insert and send feedback about their experience in using the UniTravel system and the quality and characteristics of the property booked through the UniTravel network.
Sharing the experience is not obligatory, it is subject to the limits specified in the present document only if the User decides to take part in the feedback option regarding the property where the stay was made.
Once the User decides to forward feedback information he must carry out the following:
- personally enter details of his stay in the mentioned property;
- not to write anything offensive;
- not to write anything that could be seen as racist, fanatical, hatred and with words of a violent nature that could be directed at a group or an individual;
- not to insert contents of any type of advertisements;
- not to insert words that could be seen as offensive or libel;
- not to insert false information, misleading or to be precise illegal intentions or abusive conduct, threatening or obscene.
The list of unlawful wrongful behavior is considered merely examples and are not limited and UniTravel reserves the right to modify at any time the contents listed above, to its better judgment, therefore to carry out assessments and to seek expert legal advice with regards to such violations, inclusively, but merely examples, the removal of offensive expressions and the violation of the site.
By giving feedback to UniTravel the User, cannot revoke what has been sent and UniTravel is able to freely use the feedback, copy, publicize, translate and distribute in whatever manner and whatever way, including publicity campaigns and promotions to third parties without having further approval from the User.
By inserting a feedback the User raises UniTravel from any legal action connected from violations deriving from the insertion of a feedback published by UniTravel.
UniTravel does not check the contents of the feedback sent by the User, therefore is not responsible for what has been published by the User. UniTravel reserves the right to not publish or to cancel the feedback contents, to its discretion, without notice to the User.
Procedure of signalling or removing a User Feedback:
Anyone should feel damaged from a user feedback or should consider the content of a feedback illegal or libelous can give notice sending an email to
The present contract as well as the use of the present site are subject to the current regulations stipulated in Italy, the country where UniTravel has its registered offices and where the company is operated from, notably where the CCV in Brussels 23 April 1970 ratified Legislation 1084 dated 27th December, 1977 to made available in Italy Title III, Chapter I, Section II “distance contracts” from the Legislative Decree 6th September, 2005 no.206 (Consumer Code of practice). The present document regarding Terms and Conditions has been inserted in the site on October 15, 2013.
The User accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of the Judicial Italian law for the resolution of any dispute related to this policy (including, but not limited to, those relating to its validity, application, interpretation, execution).
In the event of a dispute arising in any way from this policy it will be of exclusive jurisdiction of the Judicial Authority of the Courts of Venice.
This agreement is drawn up in the Italian language. Should it be translated into any other language, this is done solely for the greater convenience of the other party. In the event of any disputes or conflicts regarding its interpretation, the version drawn up in the Italian language shall prevail to all legal effects.
This website belongs and is managed by UniTravel Srl, hereinafter UniTravel, an Italian Company with registered office in Via Brunacci 9/b, Venice Italy, Vat Code 03458490277. It makes part of the circuit of portals that head to the website, hereinafter called UniTravel Network or simply the Network.
UniTravel is aware of the importance of security and discretion of personal data and carefully handles collected data, not only to respect regulations in force, but to safeguard the confidence placed in UniTravel by the Users.
All the pages where UniTravel collect and process personal data are protected and encrypted by SSL ("Secure Socket Layer") and personal data and credit card data is encrypted. Our SSL certificate has been issued by Thawte, a leading company in online security protocol (
UniTravel furthermore comply to the PCI DSS standard that defines the set of rules set by the PCI Council, the organization founded by American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa Inc.. ( responsible for defining security standards for account data protection and payments.
UniTravel has developed its own Security Policy Document containing specifications adopted by UniTravel for the protection of personal data. This document was notified to the Italian Privacy Autority (CUN Italian Code: 0000-0285-6310-1466).
The present document defines the policy adopted by UniTravel with regards to personal data protection and defines, together with the General Terms and Conditions (Terms & Conditions) the terms named by UniTravel for the use of services provided through the network.
The navigation, the use of the reservation system and all other services provided by UniTravel, the sending of information trough the Network websites or the creation of an account means that the present conditions are well-known and accepted by the User.
The present statement is aimed at guaranteeing the security and privacy of personal data left by the Users. Personal data means information that is able to identify a specific person, for example name, last name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
Given the importance of this subject to UniTravel, the following conditions describe the manner in which personal information will be treated and used. It refers to information that is found in art.
13 del d.lgs. n. 196/2003 - A code that protects personal information and applies to services distributed by UniTravel and its network. This privacy statement is only for the websites that are run by and belong to UniTravel and not for other Websites that the user may link to.
UniTravel S.r.l is the holder of the data, with its Head Office situated in Venice, Italy, Via Brunacci 9/b, P IVA 03458490277, registered in Venice, Italy N REA VE-310017.
The treatment of the data which is connected to the service will be processed in the offices of UniTravel S.r.l, Via Brunacci 9/b, 30175 Venice, Italy, where only authorized people are assigned to processing such data, using DPS (Security Data Program) approved by the company.
Once the reservation has been supplied through third party, the data collected in relation to the booking is presented to the supplier with whom the booking has been made (such as the reserved hotel) and will therefore be processed by the supplier in respect to the terms and condition laid down by the respective privacy policy.
The data that UniTravel receives from the User is provided voluntarily and can have an obligatory or optional nature. For example to make a reservation, the request of data such as the reservation name, email address and the credit card information are mandatory fields that guarantees the booking, meaning that without this information the reservation cannot be made, while, at the same time fields which are optional, such as the address or fax of the person making the reservation, will not impede the reservation.
The processing of data will be carried out with the aid of electronic instruments as well as paper, in order to guarantee security and confidentiality, with means capable of preventing the risk of loss or destruction, unauthorized access or treatment not allowed, or damage to the integrity or confidentiality of data.
The Users of which UniTravel collect data have the right to know the contents of the data collected in any form and are able to know where the information came from, to verify its accuracy, supplement, or update or correct data (art 7. of the Legislative Decree n.196/2003).
In conformity with the same article, the Users have the right to ask for cancellation, transformation of the data into an anonymous form in case of right withhold data which is seen to be against the law, in addition to oppose the data being processed for legal reasons.
In particular, users are entitled to exercise all rights under Art. 7 of the Privacy Code (Right of access to personal data and other rights) which for convenience we list below:
1. User has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in an intelligible form;
2. The user has the right to obtain the indication:
a) of the origin of personal data;
b) of the purposes and methods of treatment;
c) of the logic applied in case of treatment with the aid of electronic instruments;
d) of the identity of the owner, manager and the representative appointed under article 5, paragraph 2
e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, responsibles or designated to.
3. The user has the right to obtain:
a) the updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;
b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data which need not be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) the certification that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to those to whom the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement is impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.
4. The user has the right to take position against, in whole or in part:
a) the processing of personal data, pertinent to the collection purposes, for legitimate reasons;
b) the processing of personal data concerning him with the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.
Such requests must be sent to UniTravel S.r.l, Via Brunacci 9/b, 30175 Venice Italy, to fax number +39 041 8620433 or via mail to the above mentioned address.
Following shows how and in which occasions the data will be collected. In addition specific information is available to UniTravel through the pages where the services, like the reservation of a property or form completion etc. can be seen.
The main sources are:
The data is essential when carrying out the reservation procedure therefore without the appropriate data, the service requested could be impossible to obtain.
During the reservation process, personal data is collected and UniTravel gives information about data collection during this process.
UniTravel collects all relative credit card information, the credit card number and type, the name of the credit card holder and the expiry date and sends them directly to the booked property, ensuring that should the User not arrive at the property appropriate charges will apply.
In specific cases, well highlighted on the website and related to explicit reservations and/or rate conditions, UniTravel can use the credit card data provided by the User to charge the whole amount of the service booked, on its own behalf or on behalf of third parties.
UniTravel uses Thawte, a world leader certificate for the identification service on the internet. SSL secure navigation protocol is used when entering personal data for the reservation process (including credit card data).
Furthermore UniTravel comply to the PCI DSS standard that defines the set of rules set by the PCI Council, the organization founded by American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa Inc.. ( responsible for defining security standards for account data protection and payments.
UniTravel will send all communication relating to the reservation, including changes and cancellations to the email address provided when at the time data was collected. UniTravel will only telephone in case of emergency relating to the reservation.
UniTravel offers the User the possibility to express opinions about the site, without feeling obligated to do so. The feedback relating to his stay, can be in any form chosen by the User, either from the data already given to UniTravel or by using a nickname or anonymously communicating the information. .
UniTravel gives the User the possibility to voluntarily create an account in order to become a registered User. In such case he will be asked to give some information of which some mandatory and some optional, (e.g. name, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, a username and a password).
Such information are collected in the registration form to identify the User, to complete hotel and tourist service reservations in general, to contact the User for customer care, to make a research in order to improve products and services offered on the site.
Furthermore the e-mail address is requested to send the registration number and confirmation e-mail of each reservation made on-line.
In case the User provides a fax number, he can ask to receive this information via fax. In order to monitor the effectiveness of our communication via electronic mail, we can include a system to verify the visualization of the message and to monitor the actions of the User.
The information on the visits are collected to offer products or services that cold be of interest for the User. The User can be sent recurring updates on special offers, services or new products.
If the User don’t wish to receive such news via e-mail or fax, he can ask to unsubscribe trough an automated procedure. The registration will enable the User to make bookings without entering the same data each time.
In case the User decides to save his preferences about travelling, etc., he can receive personalized information based on what he indicated and therefore closer to his needs.
UniTravel creates its own newsletter to send material for promotional and commercial purposes about tourist products and services. At the moment of subscription to the newsletter service, the User is asked to provide data that enable UniTravel to contact him, such as his name and e-mail address. To respect the privacy of our Users, UniTravel sends the newsletter only to those who made a specific request on his own. At any moment the User can ask to unsubscribe.
- Sending emails to addresses found on the website
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this website entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender, necessary to respond to requests, and of any other personal data included in the message.
The Users of the network can deny at any moment the permission to use personal information for promotional purposes. Users that don’t want to receive newsletters and promotional offers can use opt-out to suspend the subscription to the service, replying to e-mails and using the term "unsubscribe" in the object or selecting links for the unsubscription procedure. Requests may also be sent to UniTravel Srl, Via Brunacci 9 / b, 30175 Venice, Italy, to the fax number +39 041 8620433 or by mail at the above address.
The UniTravel network sites may contain links to third party sites that not share with UniTravel any information. UniTravel is not responsible for the action, security and privacy of such websites at all. Upon leaving the UniTravel network the User must exercise extreme caution when asked for any personal data, and should check, in the third party sites, the data protection policy in a document like this one.
UniTravel will contact either by email or telephone the user, should any questions need answering or suggestions or assistance be requested. In these cases, the supplied data can be dealt according to the present informative report.
UniTravel believes that both users and visitors should have control of the data collected and how the data should be used. Requests can be made by contacting UniTravel S.r.l, Via Brunacci 9/b, 30175 Venice, Italy on +39 041 8620433 or by the email address written below.
Users will receive communication when:
- A reservation is made, changed or a cancelled;;
- Every time a reservation has been made through UniTravel, or a change or a cancellation of a confirmed reservation, UniTravel will send an email notifying of such operation.;
- A registration to the Network is made;;
- A registration to the newsletter service is made;;
- Request of client support or questions/suggestions/form compilation;
- When help is needed regarding the booking, or about how the site works, UniTravel will reply by email or telephone;
- Opinions are being asked about their stay or website use;;
- - After checking out of the property booked through UniTravel, the User will receive an email containing links to a form asking for their opinions about the place where they had their stay.;
UniTravel agree not to send unsolicited commercial communications without first obtaining the consent of the User.
UniTravel communicate the data collected exclusively to its partner providers of services required by Users or partners who perform certain functions on behalf of UniTravel or as permitted by law.
UniTravel not sell, rent or leases it to any personal data collected.
To provide the service of booking UniTravel collects data of Users and with their consent we may share the information collected with the following categories of persons:
- The supplier of the service booked (hotels and accommodation facilities, other service providers ). The service provider may contact you on the basis of data collected by UniTravel to get more information, facilitate the booking, or to respond to specific requests and more generally for reasons related to the reservation;
- Third Party Operators, providing a service or carry out activities on behalf of/or with UniTravel with wich UniTravel has collaboration agreements. UniTravel may in some cases allow other operators to collect information on its behalf, eg. to handle some functionality of their websites, or to make online advertising services responsive to the interests of users. These third-party operators have access to and may collect information only as necessary to carry out their activities and he is not allowed to share or use the information for any other reason. UniTravel require to third party operators to follow the same security rules applied by UniTravel. In such cases, strictly necessary to provide the service, UniTravel takes specific agreements in order for them to have in place privacy policies equivalent to those of UniTravel. UniTravel is committed to making every effort to protect personal information collected in accordance with the highest standards of personal data protection;
- Business partners with whom UniTravel may jointly offer products or services, or whose products or services may be offered on the sites of the network UniTravel . In such cases UniTravel could share information of users and their personal data with these partners;
- Linked Web Sites . If you arrive at one of the network sites UniTravel coming from another site ( for example , clicking on a link on another website, search engine or similar) UniTravel may be required to share data with that site. We suggest users to search and read the privacy policies for each website that links to one of the network sites UniTravel or is lynched by UniTravel.
UniTravel may be required to communicate the data collected if the authority requests to do so and if this is due pursuant to the law or by way of self-defense against unlawful conduct of Users or to protect and defend the rights, property , or safety of UniTravel of their sites or to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of users, suppliers or other parties with whom UniTravel have collaborative relationships;
Cookies are data sets stored in the User's PC (or mobile device), sometimes, but not always, linked to your personal information, which serve to provide information to the web sites visited to enhance the experience of use of the sites.
No personal data is collected during simple navigation. In such occasion cookies are not used for transmitting personal information. The use of cookies is limited to the transmission of the session (made by the random numbers of the server) in order to ensure the safe and efficient working of the site. The cookies used in the session are to avoid repetition of other potential harmful technical information while navigating the site and does not consent the acquisition of personal data. The information systems and the software procedures available, acquire in the normal course of operation, some data which is implicit in the use of communication protocols of the Internet. This information are not collected to be associated to identified Users, but for their nature could permit to identify Users through data elaboration ad associations with third-party data.
This category of data includes IP addresses or the domain names of the computer used by the Users connected to the site, the URI address (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resource, the time requested, the method used to request the server, the file dimension obtained upon response, the numeric code indicating the state of the data from the server (first-rate completion, errors etc) and other relative parameters of the operating system and the information systems used by the User.
The data collected are used only to retrieve anonymous information for statistical purposes and to ensure that the website is working correctly. The data can be used to ascertain responsibility should there be hypothetical crimes that could be damaging to the site.
For example , UniTravel use cookies on its sites to store a user's search while continuing to navigate. Other cookies help UnItarvel to understand the preferences of the User, to introduce features that improve the browsing experience of the site or its usability, or to evaluate, with our partners, the effectiveness of advertisements on our site and to check how users use the site.
In other cases UniTravel use cookies in conjunction with our suppliers to develop more advanced features (so-called third party cookies) that allow you to access the functionality of their sites by accessing our sites, and vice versa, such as when we use the maps or advertising services developed by third parties. In such cases, the cookies do not provide personal data but only recognize generic features on the PC (or mobile device) User.
Third-party cookies also includes those generated by social networking sites, which are offered on certain pages of the network UniTravel, with the aim of promoting ("share", "like") services. They are clearly recognizable logos and/or names of their networks (such as Facebook and Google+). No personal data is transmitted via these cookies, the purpose of which, is only to associate the current Url in UniTravel with the user's social network websites, allowing users to perform the requested operation (such as "like" on Facebook website).
The Network uses both session cookies (temporary) that persistent cookies. The session cookies vanish permanently once the browser is closed. Persistent cookies are small text files that remain on the hard disk of the User for a given period of time.
UniTravel uses cookies for various purposes.
For example, cookies can be used to automatically recognize the user login again without these log-in. Cookies can also be used to track the navigation paths of the User to better understand the way in which a user uses a site.
Users can always decide to accept or not coockies, properly configuring the browser options. However, choosing the latter option, the use of the sites could be limited to some parts and to a lower range of features.
UniTravel uses cookies with a lifespan of 30 days. The cookies created by this website do not contain any personally identifiable data.
The cookies are used only to optimize the experience when using the website.
When the user provides personal data and agrees the handling of such data, the are memorized ad associated to the code of the cookie, so that the User is automatically recognized when navigating the website.
When the cookie expires or if the User logs-out, such association is eliminated.
At any moment it is possible to disable cookies from your web browser in order not to receive the cookies, or set the browser asking whether or not to accept the cookies. UniTravel however informs you, by disabling or not accepting the cookies can limit the use to the services available and advanced functions of the reservation system.
Within marketing operations driven by UniTravel or consociates, we can use technological systems to register such information on the reservations made by the Users through our website. The information collected are anonymous and encloses the entire amount of the operation and the reservation code generated by the system. Such data are used to verify the effectiveness of our market researches and can be transmitted to our consociates for similar purposes. The collection and elaboration of data can be made by external suppliers.
Like the majority of servers, UniTravel uses log files. They include IP addresses, server type, ISP, origin and exit pages, time of visit and number of clicks. This file are use to analyse trends, manage the web site, track navigation, find problems and collect general demographic information on the use of aggregate IP. Addresses, etc. are not connected to identifying information of personal matter.
The present document regarding privacy has been inserted in the site on October 15, 2013. UniTravel reserves the right to modify this document at any time and for any reason. For substantial changes to the present document or about the way that UniTravel uses personal data, UniTravel will inform all users in the appropriate manner and with plenty of notice, before proceeding.
Independently to further updates, UniTravel will respect all procedures relating to the present document on privacy published at the time when the data was supplied.
This information is subject to regulations in Italy, a country where UniTravel Srl has its registered office, its operational offices and where it operates and where the law will be applied and regulated in accordance with the laws of the Italian Republic , without any conflict.
The User accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of the Judicial Italian law for the resolution of any dispute related to this policy (including, but not limited to, those relating to its validity, application, interpretation, execution).
In the event of a dispute arising in any way from this policy it will be of exclusive jurisdiction of the Judicial Authority of the Courts of Venice.
This agreement is drawn up in the Italian language. Should it be translated into any other language, this is done solely for the greater convenience of the other party. In the event of any disputes or conflicts regarding its interpretation, the version drawn up in the Italian language shall prevail to all legal effects.